Minat Madrasah


This study aims to know (1) How do the characteristics of community interest to choose madrasah to send their children in basic education in Central Java, (2) How do the characteristics of madrasah management to meet the needs of the community send their children to basic education in Central Java, as well as (3) How do the principles of development of madrasah which interested to the community send their children to madrasah, and (4) how the model increased the public interest to send their children to basic education

This research used Research and Development method ie research methods used to produce a certain product and test the effectiveness of the product. (Sugiyono, 407). Nevertheless, in this study only up to produce a certain product, namely the model increased the public interest to send their children to madrasah.
The result, first, the characteristics of public interest choose madrasah to send their children in basic education in central Java are follows (1) meet the content standards [89.75%], (2) the process standard [88%], (3) the standard competence of graduates [93%], (4) the standard of facilities and infrastructure [77.33%], (5) the financing standards [80.5%], (6) the assessment standards of education [92%], (7) publications and achievements madrasah [91.08%], (8) the ideal madrasah according to society needs [85.57%], (9) the things that drive public to send their children to a madrasah, (10) excellent programs, (11) form of public participation , and (12) parents hope to send their children to madrasah.
Second, the characteristics of the madrasah management to meet the needs of the public send their children to basic education in Central Java is a madrasah which meet (1) the content standards [86.3%], (2) the process standards [80.9%], (3) the competency standards [90%], (4) the teachers and administrative standards [90%], (5) the standard of facilities and infrastructure [70%], (6) the management standards [90.7%], (7) the financing standards [78.8%], (8) the assessment standards of education [80%], (9) strategy to attract public interest, (10) excellent programs, and (11) madrasah publications
Third, the development principles of madrasah which interested public to send their children at madrasah are (1) improve the achievement of madrasah [academic/non academic], (2) to form the noble character, (3) a lot of graduates accepted at favourit institution (school/madrasah/pesantren), (4) organize the excellent program.
Fourth, the model of madrasah that interested public is look to see the aspect of public assessment and madrasah management. On aspects of the public assessment, madrasah must consider and implement (1) publications and achievements madrasah, (2) creating an idealized madrasah according to public needs, (3) develop excellent programs, (4) things that encourage public to send their children to madrasah, (5 ) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), and (6) forms of public participation. On aspects of madrasah management, madrasah have to make concrete efforts in (1) strategy to attract public interest, (2) madrasah publication, (3) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), (4) excellent program, and (5 ) madrasah social responsibility.

Key word: Minat, Model Madrasah, Pengelolaan

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