Madrasah Jateng

Model Madrasah yang Diminati Masyarakat di Jawa Tengah
Model of Madrasah which is Interested by Public in Central Java

Aji Sofanudin
Balai Litbang Agama Semarang


This study aims to know (1) the characteristics of public interest to choose madrasah, (2) the characteristics of madrasah management (3) the principles of development of madrasah, and (4) how the model increased the public interest to send their children to madrasah. This research used Research and Development method. Data sources are the parent of students and administrators of madrasah in Central Java. The result are first, the characteristics of public interest in choosing madrasah is based on the highest standard is competence standard of graduates (93 %) and lowest standard is facilities and infrastructure standard (77, 33 %). Second, the characteristics of the madrasah management is based on the highest standard is standards of management (90,7 %) and lowest standard is facilities and infrastructure standard (70 %). Third, the development principles of madrasah which is interested public to send their children at madrasah are (1) to increase the achievement of madrasah, (2) to form the noble character, (3) a lot of graduates accepted at favourit institution, (4) to organize the excellent program. Fourth, the model of madrasah which is interested public is madrasah which pay attention the aspect of public assessment and madrasah management. On aspects of the public assessment, madrasah must consider and implement (1) publications and achievements madrasah, (2) creating an idealized madrasah according to public needs, (3) develop excellent programs, (4) things that encourage public to send their children to madrasah, (5 ) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), and (6) forms of public participation. On aspects of madrasah management, madrasah have to make concrete efforts in (1) strategy to attract public interest, (2) madrasah publication, (3) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), (4) excellent program, and (5 ) madrasah social responsibility.

Key word: Interest, Model of Madrasah, Management, Central Java


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana karakteristik minat masyarakat memilih madrasah, (2) Bagaimana karakteristik pengelolaan madrasah, (3) Bagaimana prinsip-prinsip pengembangan madrasah, dan (4) Bagaimana model peningkatan minat masyarakat terhadap madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development. Sumber datanya adalah orang tua siswa dan pengelola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Tsanawiyah di Jawa Tengah. Hasilnya, pertama, karakteristik minat masyarakat memilih madrasah didasarkan pada yang tertinggi adalah standar kompetensi lulusan (93 %) dan terendah sarana prasarana (77,33 %). Kedua, karakteristik pengelolaan madrasah didasarkan pada yang tertinggi adalah standar pengelolaan (90,7 %) dan terendah adalah standar sarana prasarana (70 %). Ketiga, prinsip-prinsip pengembangan madrasah adalah (1) meningkatkan prestasi madrasah, (2) mengedepankan akhlak mulia, (3) banyak lulusan diterima di lembaga favourit, (4) menyelenggarakan program unggulan. Keempat, model madrasah yang diminati masyarakat adalah madrasah yang memperhatikan aspek penilaian masyarakat dan pengelolaan madrasah. Pada aspek penilaian masyarakat secara berurutan, madrasah harus memperhatikan dan melaksanakan (1) publikasi dan prestasi madrasah, (2)  menciptakan madrasah yang diidealkan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat, (3) menyusun program-program unggulan, (4) hal yang mendorong masyarakat, (5) pemenuhan standar nasional pendidikan (SNP), serta (6) bentuk-bentuk partisipasi masyarakat. Pada aspek pengelolaan secara berurutan, madrasah harus melakukan upaya konkrit dalam membuat (1) langkah-langkah untuk menarik minat masyarakat, (2) publikasi madrasah, (3) pemenuhan standar nasional pendidikan (SNP), (4) program unggulan, dan (5) tanggung jawab sosial madrasah

Kata Kunci: Minat, Model Madrasah, Pengelolaan, Jawa Tengah

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