Madrasah Jateng

Model Madrasah yang Diminati Masyarakat di Jawa Tengah
Model of Madrasah which is Interested by Public in Central Java

Aji Sofanudin
Balai Litbang Agama Semarang


This study aims to know (1) the characteristics of public interest to choose madrasah, (2) the characteristics of madrasah management (3) the principles of development of madrasah, and (4) how the model increased the public interest to send their children to madrasah. This research used Research and Development method. Data sources are the parent of students and administrators of madrasah in Central Java. The result are first, the characteristics of public interest in choosing madrasah is based on the highest standard is competence standard of graduates (93 %) and lowest standard is facilities and infrastructure standard (77, 33 %). Second, the characteristics of the madrasah management is based on the highest standard is standards of management (90,7 %) and lowest standard is facilities and infrastructure standard (70 %). Third, the development principles of madrasah which is interested public to send their children at madrasah are (1) to increase the achievement of madrasah, (2) to form the noble character, (3) a lot of graduates accepted at favourit institution, (4) to organize the excellent program. Fourth, the model of madrasah which is interested public is madrasah which pay attention the aspect of public assessment and madrasah management. On aspects of the public assessment, madrasah must consider and implement (1) publications and achievements madrasah, (2) creating an idealized madrasah according to public needs, (3) develop excellent programs, (4) things that encourage public to send their children to madrasah, (5 ) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), and (6) forms of public participation. On aspects of madrasah management, madrasah have to make concrete efforts in (1) strategy to attract public interest, (2) madrasah publication, (3) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), (4) excellent program, and (5 ) madrasah social responsibility.

Key word: Interest, Model of Madrasah, Management, Central Java


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana karakteristik minat masyarakat memilih madrasah, (2) Bagaimana karakteristik pengelolaan madrasah, (3) Bagaimana prinsip-prinsip pengembangan madrasah, dan (4) Bagaimana model peningkatan minat masyarakat terhadap madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development. Sumber datanya adalah orang tua siswa dan pengelola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Tsanawiyah di Jawa Tengah. Hasilnya, pertama, karakteristik minat masyarakat memilih madrasah didasarkan pada yang tertinggi adalah standar kompetensi lulusan (93 %) dan terendah sarana prasarana (77,33 %). Kedua, karakteristik pengelolaan madrasah didasarkan pada yang tertinggi adalah standar pengelolaan (90,7 %) dan terendah adalah standar sarana prasarana (70 %). Ketiga, prinsip-prinsip pengembangan madrasah adalah (1) meningkatkan prestasi madrasah, (2) mengedepankan akhlak mulia, (3) banyak lulusan diterima di lembaga favourit, (4) menyelenggarakan program unggulan. Keempat, model madrasah yang diminati masyarakat adalah madrasah yang memperhatikan aspek penilaian masyarakat dan pengelolaan madrasah. Pada aspek penilaian masyarakat secara berurutan, madrasah harus memperhatikan dan melaksanakan (1) publikasi dan prestasi madrasah, (2)  menciptakan madrasah yang diidealkan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat, (3) menyusun program-program unggulan, (4) hal yang mendorong masyarakat, (5) pemenuhan standar nasional pendidikan (SNP), serta (6) bentuk-bentuk partisipasi masyarakat. Pada aspek pengelolaan secara berurutan, madrasah harus melakukan upaya konkrit dalam membuat (1) langkah-langkah untuk menarik minat masyarakat, (2) publikasi madrasah, (3) pemenuhan standar nasional pendidikan (SNP), (4) program unggulan, dan (5) tanggung jawab sosial madrasah

Kata Kunci: Minat, Model Madrasah, Pengelolaan, Jawa Tengah

Minat Madrasah


This study aims to know (1) How do the characteristics of community interest to choose madrasah to send their children in basic education in Central Java, (2) How do the characteristics of madrasah management to meet the needs of the community send their children to basic education in Central Java, as well as (3) How do the principles of development of madrasah which interested to the community send their children to madrasah, and (4) how the model increased the public interest to send their children to basic education

This research used Research and Development method ie research methods used to produce a certain product and test the effectiveness of the product. (Sugiyono, 407). Nevertheless, in this study only up to produce a certain product, namely the model increased the public interest to send their children to madrasah.
The result, first, the characteristics of public interest choose madrasah to send their children in basic education in central Java are follows (1) meet the content standards [89.75%], (2) the process standard [88%], (3) the standard competence of graduates [93%], (4) the standard of facilities and infrastructure [77.33%], (5) the financing standards [80.5%], (6) the assessment standards of education [92%], (7) publications and achievements madrasah [91.08%], (8) the ideal madrasah according to society needs [85.57%], (9) the things that drive public to send their children to a madrasah, (10) excellent programs, (11) form of public participation , and (12) parents hope to send their children to madrasah.
Second, the characteristics of the madrasah management to meet the needs of the public send their children to basic education in Central Java is a madrasah which meet (1) the content standards [86.3%], (2) the process standards [80.9%], (3) the competency standards [90%], (4) the teachers and administrative standards [90%], (5) the standard of facilities and infrastructure [70%], (6) the management standards [90.7%], (7) the financing standards [78.8%], (8) the assessment standards of education [80%], (9) strategy to attract public interest, (10) excellent programs, and (11) madrasah publications
Third, the development principles of madrasah which interested public to send their children at madrasah are (1) improve the achievement of madrasah [academic/non academic], (2) to form the noble character, (3) a lot of graduates accepted at favourit institution (school/madrasah/pesantren), (4) organize the excellent program.
Fourth, the model of madrasah that interested public is look to see the aspect of public assessment and madrasah management. On aspects of the public assessment, madrasah must consider and implement (1) publications and achievements madrasah, (2) creating an idealized madrasah according to public needs, (3) develop excellent programs, (4) things that encourage public to send their children to madrasah, (5 ) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), and (6) forms of public participation. On aspects of madrasah management, madrasah have to make concrete efforts in (1) strategy to attract public interest, (2) madrasah publication, (3) compliance with national standards of education (SNP), (4) excellent program, and (5 ) madrasah social responsibility.

Key word: Minat, Model Madrasah, Pengelolaan


Al-Pavingi, Al-Ghazebo, and Al-Ikhlas
by: Aji Sofanudin

The term of “evolusi” in English language is evolution, which means a gradual progression. Evolution is the development of living things from simple to more complex shapes to perfection gradually and take a very long time. Charles Robert Darwin is known as the originator of the theory of evolution after publishing his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859 AD.

The theory of evolution can not be said to be collapse before it was found new theory. Then the statement in the theory of Darwin is still considered to be true. Until recently many people still doubt the truth of that theory, especially from religious perspective. Harun Yahya is one of the scientists are keen to invade the theory of Darwin. In the theological view  that Darwin theory would expel God from life.
Haidar Bagir, an expert in Islamic philosophy, not entirely agree with Harun Yahya. Bagir (2003) responded by saying "Our attitude towards Darwinian beliefs about the nature of chance and materialistic origin of life contained in the theory is obvious. We reject it. Not so with the main conclusions of this theory about the evolutionary nature of life. Because of this however, it still can be trusted as the Essence of God behind all of the movement's evolution ... ". On the principle of survival of the fittest, Bagir justify it and we should take a lesson, because it agrees with the daily reality. It does not conflict with the Qur'an.
This paper does not want to review the problem of evolution in the natural sciences. But perhaps more in the social sciences. More specific again, a case which occurred in my village. Not about of human origins from ape ancestors, but about the place of worship.
The Case of Pondok Hijau
In housing where I live, Perum Pondok Hijau occured evolutionary phenomena. In the sporting activities our residents can see the changes in the activities of people. When resident is still a little, a lot of people like to walk.  Early in the morning, many people who walk around the neighborhood. Then came, badminton. For months, residents do a lot of activity badminton. In the afternoon, and even up into the night dragged on this activity to be mandatory, especially on weekends. In fact, this activity is entered in the race activities. I mean independence day of Indonesia. Today, however, these activities stopped and died. Now, activity of resident is bike. Some people often do a leisurely stroll by bicycle. In fact, the route is not only up to Limut or Simpang 5 but until Bandungan. However, people are now cycling activity was shrinking. At present, was busy doing table tennis. Incidentally there is one resident who purchased a table tennis and placed in front of his house. Suddenly, the activities of people now are playing table tennis. Thus, the evolution of the sport can be summed up in Pondok Hijau is: a healthy walk, badminton, bike casually, and table tennis.
Likewise, in the religious field. The first place to perform prayers in congregation in Pondok Hijau was the home front. Precisely in the wide way of Blok D. When Ramadan comes, the activities of people for tarawih and the dawn prayer in the Paving. So at that time turn up Musholla Al-Pavingi. Then slowly emerging aspirations to build place of worship (mosque/musholla). However, the proposal although some pros and cons. The long debate in several meetings RT to decide yes or no to build musholla. Came the idea to create a gazebo as a gathering place for residents. Thus, a brief story, building was built without a name similar to the Gazebo, size 7m x 7m. In the middle of development, that building is added by dome. Thus, be a building without a name. I called it Musholla Al-Gazebo.
Over time, that Musholla was not possible given the name Al-Ghazebo. Many emerging aspirations but no specific discussion of what to name the building.  Then on Birthday of Prophet Muhammad's celebration, agree on the name of Musholla. Kyai LP, give lecture about isu: Sincerity, Patience, and Gratitude. At the end of the event, Chairman of the Takmir said that what if it was agreed the name of this Musholla is Al-Ikhlas (sincerity). All of audiens silent. No one protests about the naming of the Building. Thus, on Thursday, 2-2-2012 building was officially given the name Musholla Al-Ikhlas. So that is the evolution of place worship in Pondok Hijau are: Musholla Al-Pavingi, Al-Ghazebo, and Al-Ikhlas.
Indeed, Karel A Streenbring put forward the theory of evolution in Islamic education; Pesantren, Madrasah, Islamic School. Although in reality all three components is actually still exist until now. That is, the pesantren is still growing and developing. Similarly, madrasah still exist until now. There is two form of madrasah, madrasah who special study of Islamic sciences (tafaqqahu fi al-din) is called Madin and madrasah in the formal school ie MI, MTs, and MA.  Islamic schools are now springing up in the form of “Islam Terpadu”.  SDIT phenomena seemed to be booming now, and in some places it was displacing madrasah. Wallahu'alam.

Aji Sofanudin 

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